Gerobok Adria

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Monday, November 5, 2012

New white veil for SALE

Hi dear,

How do you feel today? I tau, mesti ramai b2b yg tgh turn-on bridezilla mode skarang ni.
Little tips from me; Open back ur planner yg panjang menjela tu, strikethrough mana yg dah settle, finalize mana yg masih ada 2 or 3 options, stop thinking to make it perfect as it will turn to be perfect naturally. Believe me! (“,).

I have extra white veil to let go. Mmg baru ye. Masa buat tu ter-overlook detail yg customer request. Customer nak off-white bukan white. So this one, I nak jual la

Color: White
Material: Chiffon silk
Design: Heavy patch lace around the veil + pearls & beads
Length: Hip
Price: RM150 (including postage)

Mahal sikit dr my normal price sbb patch lace nye byk ye. First come first serve. Siapa deposit dulu, dia yg dapat ye.

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